- Sunflower Sprouts – Hand picked – 100g bag
- Sunnies growing
- Live Sunflower Sprouts
Sunflower Sprouts
Eating sunflower seeds or greens helps to boost your reproductive health by providing the body with ample zinc. Zinc also works with over 300 enzymes in the body to keep things running smoothly.
Sunflower greens are incredible for boosting immunity. Leafy green sprouts, especially those of the sunflower variety are essential to creating innate lymphoid cells (ILC) important immunity-boosting cells found in the lining of the digestive system that help to keep our gut bacteria healthy. Many people realize by now that gut health is the primary form of fighting disease and foreign invaders in the body.
Sunflower sprouts are full of essential fatty acids that are needed to make a plant burst out of its seed shell.
All sprouts, including sunflower sprouts are full of chlorophyll – the same substance which makes plants turn green. In human beings, this one constituent keeps our blood healthy, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, revitalizes tissues, and balances pH levels in the body.
(See more at: www.naturalsociety.com)